Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel
- Is it possible to import Deck Lists from Yu-Gi-Oh! NEURON to MASTER DUEL? Additionally, is it also possible to export Deck Lists from MASTER DUEL to NEURON ?
- Is it possible to import Deck Lists from Official Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Card Database to Yu-Gi-Oh MASTER DUEL?
- Is there a function to save and replay Duels?
- What is the recommended internet connection to play PvP?
- Can I train Duel Mates?
- Is there an expiration date on Gems?
- How can I delete the Saved Data?
- Is there an auto save function?
- Is it possible to watch other players' Duels?
- Can I upload my own Duel videos?
- Is it possible to check the controls in-game?
- Can I change the player name after I register one?
- On what platforms do I get matched for Duels?
- Do I need to subscribe to PlayStation®Plus, Nintendo Switch Online, or Xbox Live Gold Membership
- Which languages can we choose?
- If I transfer my data to another device/platform, can I also transfer both free and paid Gems?
- Can I transfer my data to other platforms?
- How many Saved Data can I have?
- What is the maximum Decks that I can build?
- What is the recommended specifications to play the game?
- I’m new to Yu-Gi-Oh! MASTER DUEL. How should we start the game?
- Could you inform us of upcoming maintenance schedules?
- How can I delete my Save Data?