After you arrive on Mother Base and Ocelot instructs you on how to operate your new home, you must then choose which missions you will undertake.
To undertake a mission, either board your helicopter or open the [MISSION LIST] from the [MISSIONS] tab on your iDroid (Touch pad button [right]) during free roam. From there you can select a mission.
If you selected a mission from the Aerial Command Center (inside your helicopter), you can then select a landing zone, followed by your equipment, buddy, and other options.
The mission begins once your helicopter reaches the landing zone you selected.
If you selected a mission from the ground, head for the mission start point by land. The mission begins once you reach it.
- * If you board your helicopter after selecting a mission from the ground, the mission will be canceled. Re-select the mission from your helicopter.
- Side Ops
- Side Ops are tasks undertaken besides missions.
If you selected a Side Op from the [SIDE OPS LIST] while in your helicopter, you can then select a landing zone, followed by your equipment, buddy, and other options.
If you selected a Side Op from the ground, head for its start point. It will be indicated by a marker.
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