Please follow the procedure below:
[Step 1]
Tap the [Menu icon] located on the top-right corner of the [HOME] screen.
[Step 2]
[Step 3]
There are 2 ways to transfer your data:
*A KONAMI ID is required when transferring data between different OS (eg: iOS to Android).
<Transferring Data Using a KONAMI ID>
Tap [Link KONAMI ID].
After reading the [PROHIBITED ACTIONS], check the [I have read and confirmed the above] box, then tap [NEXT].
Please read the [IMPORTANT NOTES], then tap [LINK].
Enter your KONAMI ID and log in to link your account (if you do not have a KONAMI ID, please login after creating one).
<Transferring Data Using a Game Center/Google Play Account>
If you are already logged into your Game Center/Google Play account when starting the game, your nickname will appear under [Game Center/Google Play Account].
Tap [Set Account].
*Watch the video below for easy instructions!
[Step 4]
Install eBASEBALL: MLB PRO SPIRIT on your new device.
[Step 5]
Tap the [O] circle on the title screen.
[Step 6]
[Step 7]
-Using a KONAMI ID
Tap [Transfer with KONAMI ID], read the [IMPORTANT NOTES], then tap [NEXT].
Log in to the KONAMI ID used to transfer your data, then link accounts.
-Using a Game Center/Google Play Account
Log in to your Game Center/Google Play account used to transfer your data, then tap [Transfer with Game Center/Google Play].
[Step 8]
When the final confirmation screen appears, tap [TRANSFER] to complete the transfer.
*You will not be able to continue any suspended games
*The same data can be transferred up to 10 times per month
*Watch the video below for easy instructions!
If you forgot your ID or password and cannot transfer data:
1. Install eBASEBALL MLB PRO SPIRIT on your new device.
2. Select the [Menu icon] on the top-right corner of the [HOME] screen.
3. Select [HELP/CONTACT US].
4. Select [CONTACT US] > [Recovering Game Data].
*Please send us your inquiry after filling in the required fields.
*If the above doesn't work, please send an email inquiry through the app.
Watch the video below for easy instructions on how.
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